Talks & Workshops

Some talks, workshops and webinars that have been recorded.

All of them in Spanish. Two of them are in English or subtitled*.

Women in Voice

Talking about art and technology at Women in Voice Week (2022)


Impostor Syndrome and other things (2022)

Webinar EBAC

A Q&A with EBAC were we (Alfonso Diaz & I) talked about UX (2022)

Emotional Design

I was invited to give a lecture on IBERO Puebla, on the class of David Guerrero. (2021)

Global goals* 

My presentation on the First Generation Global Goals Forum on Sweden (2016)

Pocket full of sunshine*

Learn how to draw a sun and animate it, on Procreate pocket app. This a version of the Fieldtrip Workshop I made for CreativeMornings (2020)